DEC 19, 2014
Giddy up! The Shelter brings you another night of stripped down theatre with the latest installment of The Shelter Peep Show. Get your Wild West on, channel your inner John Wayne, and enjoy outrageously awesome new plays, burlesque, live music and more!
Legends of the West
Written by Bob Kolsby, Directed by Beth Jastroch, Featuring Michael Kingsbaker and Dave Lankford
Now I Can See the Moon
Written by Joanna Gurin, Directed by James Fauvell, Featuring Paco Lozano and Christine Nyland
Daddy's Gun
Written by Ben Firke, Directed by Rachel Carey, Featuring Ryan Blackwell, Nate Dobson and Kelley Gates
The Screws
Written by Pauline Pechin, Directed by Jenny Beth Snyder, Featuring Aaron Novak and Shaun O’Hagan
Hard Row to Hoe
Written and directed by Michael Kingsbaker, Featuring Jessica Afton, Michael Sean McGuinness, Edwin Sean Patterson, Lily Robbins and Adam Santos-Coy
Burlesque Out West
Developed and performed by Dick E. Lovejoy and Makin’ Whoopee
- Produced by Morgan McGuire
- Stage Directions by Emily Cannon-Brown
- Music by Sarah Durning and Leeore Sschnairson
- Projection Design by Jonathan Ashley